« 御巣鷹の尾根で慰霊登山 日航機墜落事故から33年 | トップページ | 盆もがんばってます »

2018年8月13日 (月)

"at doses up to"と"up to"

「最高~の用量まで」の意味のときに英訳する場合、"at doses"を入れるかどうかということですが。。。

Google様で検索してみると、以下のように、"at doses"を入れることも入れないこともあるようです。


Therefore it is considered that 5-methyl-2-thiophenecarbaldehyde does not induce DNA damage in the livers of rats when administered by oral gavage up to the MTD of 700 mg/kg bw/day.

Repeated administration by oral gavage up to 1,000 mg/kg bw/day for 29 days resulted in decreased weights of testes and epididymis in male rats.

Ninety-day toxicity tests did not result in notable toxicity, whether the product was administered in the diet up to 9375mg/kg body weight/day or by intramuscular (im) injection (up to 0. 5ml/kg/day, rabbits).


In long-term studies in mice and rats treated in the diet at doses up to 51 and 49 mg/kg body weight per day, respectively, there was no evidence that spinosad is carcinogenic.

Pyriproxyfen was not carcinogenic when given in the diet at doses up to 420 mg/kg of body weight per day in a study in mice or at doses up to 140 mg/kg of body weight per day in rats.

In both 28-day and 22-week toxicology studies with FEMA 3455, administered by oral gavage at doses up to 1000 mg/kg/day to Sprague-Dawley rats, mild liver and kidney toxicity was observed at doses of 40 mg/kg/day and above.

There were no signs of toxicity in any of these organs in the 90-day study of S2227 in rats at doses up to 100 mg/kg/day (highest dose tested).


「用量」に関する記述であることを明確にするためにも、"at doses"を入れて不都合はないのではないか、

和文原稿に「最高~の用量まで」とあるのに、"at doses"をあえて省く必要もないのではないかと。



« 御巣鷹の尾根で慰霊登山 日航機墜落事故から33年 | トップページ | 盆もがんばってます »



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